Squid Collection




    We understand that there are many tribes of Motorcyclist out there. Our job is to embrace all of them, and assume that there's a reason they're all here.

    We don't encourage you to squid. Squids are seen as lawbreakers, alienate cagers, and are a nuisance to many. Some will die or be seriously injured. A few might even place others in danger.

    But at the end of the day you're on two and you're another version of Biker Hero in our book.

    If you squid because it makes you feel alive; because it's a better alternative to pulling the trigger; because you're fulfilling an important function in democracy of challenging authority; or because you like to show off and the chicks think it's hot, it's not our place to judge.

    Whatever it is you decide to do on the road, do it as safely as you can.

    Here's biker poet Nourish Cruz's free-verse poem, INVINCIBLEreminding us of the loss that goes hand-in-hand with our epic bikelifestyle.

    Last but not least, if something improves your chances of getting back home in one piece, gives you another reason to get up in the morning, or makes your bike look hot as fuck—like LED Stripes, motion-activated lighting, or a radar detector—then we'd love to sell it to you.

    Enjoy our specially-curated collection for you and your ride, and here's a kalamari recipe in case you're in the mood.

    Keep the rubber side down and the shiny side up brothers and sisters 🦑

    54 products